
[Cambly 복습] 2월 1주차 캠블리 복습

_Yonnie_ 2021. 2. 2. 23:27

20210202 - Friends


miscommunication = misunderstanding
obstacle 장애, 방해 = hindrance, impediment, obstruction
custom = trandition
to meet up meet friends (주로 아는 사람을 만날때 사용, new people을 만날때는 사용하지 않음) 
(ex) I want to meet up with my friends.
to get along ~와 어울리다 
(ex) I get along really well with most people. = I'm easy going.
once in a lifetime 일생에 단 한번의
to enjoy each other's company When you and someone else mutually enjoy spending time together
* 여기서 company 는 친구, 벗
keep company with ~와 교제하다
(ex) I went to visit my grandmother to keep her company (so she is not alone)
* 할머니가 외롭지 않게 하기위해 할머니댁에 다녀왔다.
* keep her company : 그녀를 상대해주다

(ex) I got a dog to keep me company.
What's more  moreover


one / the other / another / the others / others 설명

출처 : https://twitter.com/koalaenglish180/status/1140542476941266945



another is used with singular nouns.

other is used with singular and plural nouns.

(ex) She’s going to the cinema with another friend.

(ex) She’s going to the cinema with other friends.

출처 : https://videoara.ws/?q=other+another


Q. Where are some places that you can meet people? 

A. It's getting hard to met new people, because my area is really limit.

-> It's getting harder to meet new people, I don't go further


Q. Do you have a lot of friends? How often do you see them?

A. I catch up their life.

-> I catch up with their news. + hanging out


Q. Should children grow up in the city or the countryside?

A. They can hang out with their friends in the wider area.

-> They have more space to hang out with their friends.



20210203 - Food For Thoughts


anorexisa 거식증 
a. anorexic 
(ex) She is anorexic.
bulimia 폭식증
a. bullimic
(ex) He is bullimic.
afford 여유가 있다. 할 수 있다.
*발음주의 -> 어 포-or드 ('포'에 강세)
make an effort 노력하다
to weigh in 관여하다. 끼어들다
(여럿이서 모여서 의견을 나누고 있는 상황에서) You weight in! 하면 너도 껴봐! 너도 말해봐! 이런 뜻
detriment n. 손상, 손해
(ex) Do you think people should be free to  make their own choices, even to their own detriment?
-> 보통 이런 문맥으로 손해를 감수하더라도 선택을 하냐 마냐.. 이런 문맥에서 쓰이고 
 I had detriment my finger. 
 이런 식으로 단독으로는 쓰이지 않음.

hurt 라는 의미보다는 '선택의 순간에서 손해를 감수하고'의 의미로 많이 쓰임

(예를 들어, 어제 저녁 가스 잠그는 것을 잊고 자서 화재가 난 상황일때) Oh, I was so tired, I didn't check the stove before I went to bed and to my own detriment, I left it on.
-> Meaning : The decision I made hurt me.

홍보하다, 증진하다
It's a big jump 비약이야


Is obesity a problem in your country? Why do you think obesity is (not) a problem where you live?

- Many people which exposure to media think that's the right body and I also to be a that body.

-> Many people who are exposed to media think that's the right body and they have to have the body like that.



