벌써 2월 3주차라니..!!
20210215 - Art
priceless | a) 아주 귀중한, 돈으로는 살 수 없는 |
relaxing | a) 편안한, 완화하는 |
soothing | a) 달래는, 위로하는, 진정시키는 |
impressionism | n) 인상주의, 인상주의적 표현 |
admirers | n) 찬양자, 숭배자 |
I couldn't take my eyes off it | 눈을 뗄수 없다 |
think over | 곰곰히 생각하다, 신중히 생각하다 |
nevertheless | 그럼에도 불구하고 |
Q. Talk about a painting you would be to have in your home.
- what is it
- how you know about it
- how much it would cost you
- and explain why you want to have it in your home.
A. David Hockney - A Bigger Splash / exhibition / masterpiece / home in LA / vivid / admirers / I couldn't take my eyes off it
When I think over this question, I'd like to say David Hockney's art. The name of the masterpiece is "A Bigger Splash". I went his exhibition last year with my friend and I saw it there. When I saw it first time, I couldn't take my eyes off it. The art described a home in LA and the color was really vivid. It was so eyecatching. As far as I know, the home in this masterpiece is his relatives home and he was fascinated by LA when he went there first time. After that, He became an admirer. This art makes me feel better when I'm in a bad mood so it's priceless for me. I really want to buy this masterpiece if it's possible. |
Q. Describe a place near the water that you enjoyed visiting.
- where the place is
- what you did there
- why you went there
- and explain why it was enjoyable.
A. San Francisco / The Golden Gate Brdige / in terms of / picturesque / breathtaking / memorable / be fascinated by / I couldn't take my eyes off it.
where -> why did you go there -> what did you do -> why it was enjoyable I'd like to describe about San Francisco which I visited a couple of years ago with my friend and which is located near by the ocean. I went there on a trip for celebration and relax because I and my friend have just started our working. When we searched about the San Francisco, we found that the Golden Gate Bridge is really popular and beautiful and It would be so amazing when we go there by bicycle. So we rented bicycles and went there by bike. I was so impressive because the bridge was so picturesque and the view was breathtaking. I couldn't take my eyes off there. At the end of the bridge, there was a village. As far as I know, it was a rich people's village. There are some big houses and in terms of tourist's sight it was stunning. I was fascinated by the village and the view of there. The trip was so memorable and I really hope go there again. |
We just jot our job -> we have just started our working.
I went there for traveling -> I went there on a trip
by bike : 자전거를 이용해
20210216 - 80% Say Olympics Should be Delayed or Canceled
state of emergency | 비상사태, 긴급사태 a situation in which a government gives itself special powers in order to deal with a national danger or disaster |
relatively | 비교적으로, 상대적으로 [relətɪvli] in comparison with something else |
householde | 가구, 세대 a home and the people who live in it |
audit | 감사, 세무조사 an official examination into an organization's financial records |
committee | [kəmíti] 위원회 |
athlete | [ǽθliːt] 운동선수 |
athletics |
육상경기 |
*숫자 읽을 때, hundred 뒤에는 and 붙여서 읽는다
(ex) 1,261 => 1 thousand 2 houndred and sixty one.
20210217 - Developing Your Career
All work and no play | working too mush leaving time to reset (causing the person to be bored, boring, and/or unhealthy) ex) All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 보통 그냥 일 많이 하는 사람에게 All work and no play~! 하고 말할때는 상대가 너무 일벌레라 (걱정되는 마음에) 휴식을 취했으면 좋겠을 때임 |
All in a day's work | part of what is expected, typical or normal '이게 내 일인걸' 이런 느낌. 상대방이 와 너 그거 어떻게해? 이렇게 놀라지만 정작 본인에게는 항상 일어나는 일일때 |
Have a lot on your plate | having many tasks to do |
Business as usual | people will continue doing what they normally do, often despite difficulties or changes ex) 코로나 시국에 상점이 문을 닫을지 안닫을지 몰라 고객이 식당에 전화해보는 상황. 식당 주인이 "Business as usual." 이라고 하면 '정상영업 합니다' 이런 느낌 (다른 변화나 안좋은 상황에서도 똑같이 일하는 경우) |
fanatic | someone who is very enthusiastic about something; sometimes too enthusiatic. 광신자, 열정적인 애호가 (사전적의미는 negative한 의미는 아니나 보통 너무 극심한 팬에게 쓰는 말) |
ritual | [ríʧuəl]a series of acts done in the same way each time 의식 (일종의 세레모니로 축구선수들이 골 넣고하는 특정 행동들이 모두 ritual) |
superstition | a belief that certain things will bring good luck or bad luck. 미신 |
riot | [ráiət] a large group of people behaving in a violent and uncontrolled way 폭동, 시위 |
rowdy | [ráudi]rough, noisy |
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